Special Editions

Custom work and special editions are one of our dearest loves. Our entire art form is about bringing dreams to life, and what better than to bring yours into the light. Some of the pieces shown were make specifically for certain patrons, done as `one ofs' and then found homes, or created as gifts. Many pieces you will find in our regular line started life as custom orders. Our custom pricing is reasonable and we are willing to work within your budget as best as we can. Let not your imagination be bound...

A gift for Leah's mother incorporating the wonderful ceramic life casting work of our dear friend and master artisan, Ann Lyneah Curtis, and our leather work in a halo of leaves.
Masks come in all sizes and even Dolls need them. The first of many miniatures. We have created them as brooches, pins, and hair cups.

ISABEL: Inspired by a satellite photo of the hurricane bearing the same name, and created by candle light during the resulting four days without power, during the midst of the MD Ren Faire and with a 1 month old new baby in the house. WOW! A one of kind that found a home with the very lovely and wonderful patron, Maggie. Watch out for those winds.
Custom colors are the most common. We have done many to match costumes and garb. We will gladly meet your needs. You may provide fabric swatches or color strikes. Please call for quotes.

Custom fitting is almost never necessary. We create our work to comfortably fit the broadest range of features possible. From toddler to elder, tall to short, they happily wrap the faces of thousands. But occasionally extra attention to cut is needed, such as the features of my good friend Steve. If you think this means you, then first we will help you determine if so with measurements, and then create the piece just for you. Please call for a quote and to discuss the possibilities.

And then there are the stage shows...

Mask makers tend to live for theater. Here we have a production we are extremely proud of. Alice in Wonderland by Soo Dance Company of South Korea. How we ended up with this job is a long story but it sure was fun. Nope, we weren't able to go to Korea. We provided over thirty masks for the show and several of which were custom created just for it. What would Alice be with out a flamingo.

We have created for productions both large and small. From professionals to high school. Shane has an extensive background in theater and loves the work. Please contact us for more information.