
Definition -- 1: a small decorative image that shades off gradually into the surrounding ground. 2: "little jewels of landscape..."

The latest in our exploration of art, and perhaps a return to the most basic of artistic abilities, the painting of landscapes. An area we hope to expand greatly...


It takes very little time for a transplanted Texan to fall in love with this great estuary we live near. The bay is a constant presence that shapes the people and character of the landscape and moves many artist to honor her in their work. I offer my own interpretation. I have painted two other versions of this piece and only now do I feel like I have really done the beauty of the area justice. I may not be "Chesapeake born", but her waters will always flow through my soul. You have to look close to find the bay's secrets. Can you find the feathered fisherman? Please protect your waters, they are mine as well.